Sunday, March 29, 2009

all ze fish: Part ll

Baby Blue

Thing 1

Unkown. That actually is his official name




All ze Fish.

OK, you are about to witness a fish-tastic moment! It took me a very long time to take these pictures, cause if you havn't noticed, fish don't exactly like to stay still!! I took all these pictures my self, then got on the computer and did some computer nerdy stuff to them. But, all of these pictures were taken by yours truly. Lately, I have been trying to upgrade in my picture taking skills, and this is what I've acomplished:

Mo {short for Mosaic}


Thing 2


Ra`. His name is pronounced Rae, not Ra, like Ridgedon has yet to remember!

That was only part one, see part to in the next post!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Next Post . . .

In my next post I'm going to list my top ten questions!

Favorite Sayings

OK people, i know this is going to sound a little bit weird, but some of my favorite sayings are from . . . can anyone guess? . . . Veggie Tales!! Here are a couple of my favorites {most of them said from the decorative gourd mouth of Mr.Lunt}:

1. "I don't think that's possible, and that's coming from a guy who just swam 92 nautical miles without arms or legs!"

2. "It was a good life, at least that one day in between 2:00 and 2:30 . . . "

3. "It's no magic, it's Radio Shack!"

4. "It's in the back room . . . out of range."

But i think Mr.Lunt might have to run for his money. My cousin, Noah, has become very good at creating new words and phrases for us to say. Here are a couple:

1. "Nah, too Saffy!"

2. "Look, it's a burger-opper!" {Helicopter}

3. "Hey Lemonade!" {He saw me walk in the door and called me that!}

Some I have randomly come up with my self:

1. "If all else fails, check your intestines!"

I just found this on my old e-mail, and I guess I was REALLY hyper this day, but . . well . . . I'll just let you read it:

remember i don't like to pee and Natalie is an egg and Ridgedair is a Friedgedair!
fusikejkdoikggh : try pronouncen that with out lookin at a clock and saying, " Chickens!"
when I'm sad, i say Dave Lennon!
Simon fuller has been my manager for 18 years for my yeat breakin!
Happy meals are in the sink!
your health comes exclusively with T-Moble!
Natalie pinched me and made me say hi!
can you say meow . . . . . . then you have earned your rights to be a dog!
I am unriten I'm undifinded I'm just begging . . something something . . staring outside of a dirty window . . . .. . . . . . .
mom dances like beyonce
spandex does not look good with hiccups . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . or on walls. . . . . . . . .
I have burpy-hiccups!

Yea . . . . I hope this somehow brought you to hysteria, because i love it when that happens. Don't know why, though!

"You can go into a sugar-coma if you create and consume a 200 lb. marshmallow peep before 8 a.m.!"


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rebecca Was Here

My friend Rebecca came over on Spring Break. We:
1. talked
2. baked
3. trick
4. annoyed
5. and ran through sprinklers!

1. We talked a lot. Plain and simple. ALOT!!!
2. We had our anual bake-off. I baked soft sugar pretzels and Rebecca made Strawberry Shortcake. Rebecca won. No hard feelings, though! {I'm already planning for my next thing! Rebecca, you'll never beat my chocolate fondue! Mwahahahahah!}
3. Natalie told us we had 10 minutes to our selves while she used the restroom. Yea right! We got on the golf-cart and drove off into the woodsy part of our land because we knew she would follow us if she thought we were on the hill! When we saw her walk up the hill as we had expected, we used the clicker for the gate to keep opening and closing it. She started freaking out because the gate was opening and closing and she didn't know why! We drove out then and told her what we had done. She just laughed with us and told us to let her on. I still think she is planning her revenge, though! So if on my blog header, I unexpectedly have a mustache, don't laugh!!
4. We were annoying my other friend, Preston, by calling him while he was in California. Only we forgot about the time difference {2 hours}, and we would call him annoy him at 7:00am here, but it was 5:00am there! Here's a shout out to Preston: because I know you read my blog!
5. I love our sprinklers. They are hilarious to trick someone with! When you first turn on the water, it's really warm! That is when I tell some one to go stand up against it because its so warm. Buuuttt . . . . then the water turns ice cold in a matter of .001 seconds, and the person is getting sprayed with freezing water!!


Monday, March 16, 2009


I need help people!!! If you don't already know, my sister and i have started a fish keeping hobby! Today we expanded our fishes form 3 to 7- and we are not very good at names!! Here are the new fish we got. If you have name ideas, please comment and after a week, i will announce the winners for the names. Please no names like "Fishy", or "Splashy" or "Spots". Thanks!!

This fish actually has a name, but i thought i would show her to you. Her name is Benown. {see why a I'm asking for help?!}

this is one of Natalie's new guppy's. He looks like he has a tie-dye design on his tail.

This one is Natalie's other new guppy, and he looks like silver/blue.

this is one of my new Platies. He is orange with dalmatian spots

This is my other new Platie. He is almost identical to the last one, except for his back half is almost completely black, then turns spotty in the front.

thanks a lot! In my next post I will show pictures of my our "Survivor" fish.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You know your a Gutiar Hero Freak when . . . .


. . . You look at your T.A.K.S TEST scan tron {the thing were you put all the answers}, and think it looks like a guitar hero song with the notes . . . only to then to start to play the made-up song under your desk with your fingers!!! It helps the time go by though, speaking of - well, I'll tell you that later!

. . . When your sister asks you to help her make a T.A.K.S TEST t-shirt, and you put "Just Beat It!" on the back!! Anyone wanna guess who that is?

Showing how funky strong is your fight. It doesn't matter who's wrong or right - Just Beat It! Beat It . . . . .
