Friday, July 25, 2008

Photo Albums

My brother and I were looking at some photo albums that my mom has today and we found somethings in there that were very interesting!!! First off, some of these albums are from the 1970's and 80's, not saying that's old, but the generation of style back then was very funny, according to me! My mom had VERY {pause to soak in the moment} big hair {my dad did to, but it was more fluffy than big!} My moms pants were up to here ribs! Her shirts were all either long sleeved and fluffy like a male flamingo dancers get-up, or short-sleeved, short lengthed, tight shirts! My dad was wearing long sleeved, red plaid shirts, alot of other paid shirts, and pants I can't explain! In one picture, my mom was wearing a long sleeve denim thing, and on top of the denim thing was a short sleeve black jacket thing that had flowers on it!!!!! Now lets move up 2 decades . . . . . every one was still wearing things like that!!! My outfits were funny, yet cute because I was only 2 in all of the pictures! There was a Christmas picture of me, my mom and my dad when I was only 1, and we were all wearing red plaid. Then I looked down and noticed that Ridgedon was wearing the exact same pants as my dad in the photo!!! The style got better in the 20th centery, though there are still things I see today that I question . . . . . . . .


M Holly said...

And when your mommy had that "big" hair, she wouldn't even let us touch it!!!

Mommy Holly

Unknown said...

Ha! Ask Mommy Holly about her hair-do's when she was a teenager!!

Aunt Dianne