Thursday, June 25, 2009

Houston, We Have Chicks!

Yes, it's true, we have our baby chicks! We got 4 babies, 2 Rhode Island Reds {brownish-red}, and 2 Buff Orpingtons {yellow} . We have named them . . .

Buff Orpingtons:
Sunday Brunch - Moms
UPDATE: I am sorry, it is not Sunday Brunch, it is Sunday Lunch
Big Mama - Mine

Rhode Island Reds:
Reba - Natalie's
Lucy - Ridgedon's

I like this picture `cause it looks cool. That is Sunday, then Reba, then Lucy.



Big Mama

Sunday Lunch



Amy Woods said...

Ummm...mine is named Sunday Lunch. Not Brunch.

Amy Woods said...

A thought....should you take the picture down of Carrina? I know its sad...:(

Emily Woods said...

I am waiting until i can take a new cat picture of another cat . . .

Amy Woods said...

Keep waiting...