Thursday, June 25, 2009

Houston, We Have Chicks!

Yes, it's true, we have our baby chicks! We got 4 babies, 2 Rhode Island Reds {brownish-red}, and 2 Buff Orpingtons {yellow} . We have named them . . .

Buff Orpingtons:
Sunday Brunch - Moms
UPDATE: I am sorry, it is not Sunday Brunch, it is Sunday Lunch
Big Mama - Mine

Rhode Island Reds:
Reba - Natalie's
Lucy - Ridgedon's

I like this picture `cause it looks cool. That is Sunday, then Reba, then Lucy.



Big Mama

Sunday Lunch


Monday, June 15, 2009

Does Anyone Want Some Fish?

Does anyone out there happen to want some fish? Anyone? Well if you do, I have 4 platies that I could give you! I'm planning on breeding my fish, and the platies are very complicated . . . . . if no one wants them I'll just give them to the pet store.

This first fish is a girl and is named Ra`ette. We thought this fish was a boy, but it turned out we were wrong. Her name was originally Ra`, but we added the "ette" when he turned out to be a she . . .

This fish is a boy and is named Beknown. He is the biggest fish in my tank right now, and my mom always is saying,"Eeeewwwww!! Are you sure that that fish isn't pregnant?!"

This fish is a boy and is named Thing 2

This fish is also a boy and is named Thing 1

If anyone is interested, please leave a comment . . .

One more reminder:
My Birthday is Tomorrow!!!!!!!
