Saturday, April 11, 2009

On the Edge of your Seat Basketball

O.k. peeps, I aparently did this wrong, so what you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of this post and then read it while scrolling back up!


Brought to you by Apple:

NBA Championship Playoffs:
The Score is 52 to 54. . . . .The Woodland 55'ers with 52. There's 7 seconds left on the clock. Right now Ridgedon Woods has the ball and doesn't know what to do . . . pass it to team captain, Scott Wilson, or make a shot for 3 points. Oh, wait, he just shot the ball, let's see what happens {the dramatic song part of Olympic movies should be going through your head right now} dada,dadadadada,dadadadada,dadadada . . . . .


M Holly said...

Those are GREAT pictures. Whoever took them did an awesome job.

Britney K said...

No way! That is so awesome! I love it! Did you get an iphone? Or is that yo mammas?

Emily Woods said...

I do have an IPhone, as does my mamma, but that was Natalies IPod touch. I thought it was funny that her brand new Ipod was lying on the floor of the garage . . .

Amy Woods said...

Emily. You are funny!